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How FIs Use Technology to Demonstrate Empathy Through a Listen-Respond Model

Written by ARGO | Jul 20, 2023 2:01:04 PM

A successful customer needs strategy depends on the ability to project empathy. That requires sending the message that you know your customer and commit to needs-centered engagement. Executing this in an omni-delivery ecosystem requires:

  1. Listening to needs
  2. Responding with relevance and timeliness

Solutions demonstrate empathy through a listen-respond model. This involves embedding “listening posts” within six functional areas including:

  1. Website sensory: Detecting and interpreting customer needs based on digital behavior;
  2. Customer engagement responses: Applying analytics and decisioning to quantify and respond appropriately to customer interaction with campaigns;
  3. Personal financial planner: Obtaining self-disclosed information related to customer needs through goal-centric personal financial planning tools;
  4. Omni-channel fulfillment: Tracking fulfillment attempts and automatically deploying abandonment retargeting campaigns to increase conversions;
  5. Staff interaction: Quantifying and monitoring customer satisfaction and attrition risk scores related to personal engagement;
  6. Attrition risk: Identifying and quantifying attrition risk factors and proactively and reactively mitigating them.

Based on information detected through embedded listening posts the solution quantifies behavior and sentiment indicators. Automated decisioning responds when thresholds are met, deploying appropriate engagement. Management insight through KPIs and reporting allows the institution to monitor, track, execute A/B testing, perform trend analysis, and optimize the listening-response model to understand and meet customer needs.

For more information, download the Improving Customer Needs Leadership interview with David Engebos, President and COO of ARGO.