Insights Thought Leadership

Improve Resolution Efficiency with Matching Processes and Workflows

doctor with patient records


Healthcare, Compliance

When an organization is able to be proactive about its data quality, intake practices, and patient matching accuracy, the onus of attaining a ‘clean’ EMPI falls on the organization’s available tools to resolve identity issues detected during the matching process.

With robust issue resolution tools, identity issues detected during the matching process can be quickly and accurately confirmed and appropriately reconciled. The question is, “Do these records represent the same person?” This is answered through additional automated matching methodologies and manual review by data stewards, where decision workflows depending on the type of issue detected and actions to resolve it can be automated and customized as needed.

For more information, download the “ARGO EMPI Overview” interview with David Engebos, President and COO of ARGO.


Download ARGO's interview with David Engebos